
Sustainability Forum

Discover how you can bring forth your own sustainability movement

Crafting Liveable, Sustainable Cities

Together, we are stronger – and more sustainable. Learn techniques and practices to build sustainable cities and encourage sustainable living from your neighbours across ASEAN, China, and India.

Starting a Business on Sustainability

Grow a successful business without compromising on sustainability. Develop your eye for entrepreneurship, give shape to your ideas, and discover how you can be an agent of change in sustainable business.

Building a Career in Sustainability

Learn from the best in the business to kickstart your career in sustainability. Journey alongside some of the most forward-thinking, sustainability-driven executives and thought leaders of the modern age.


Sustainable Cities and Communities


Responsible Consumption and Production

Session Topics

Crafting Liveable, Sustainable Cities

How do we build cities, towns, and communities that champion safety, accessibility, and inclusivity? This panel session will feature a thorough discussion of city planning—from urban planning to design—aimed at creating walkable neighbourhoods and promoting mixed-use building development, with an emphasis on revitalising environmentally-friendly living habits.

CSR – More Than Just a Name

How do we view Corporate Social Responsibility in a clearer, more authentic light? This session will seek to brighten our approach to CSR by grounding it in sustainability theory and practice, in order to renew our understanding of how it can be properly leveraged to create social, economic, and environmental value.

Starting a Business on Sustainability

How do we develop great ideas for businesses to rise above the competition—without compromising on sustainability? This panel session will describe methods for staying business savvy in a post-pandemic world, offer a discussion of “green” entrepreneurship, and provide techniques and strategies for shaping more successful, more sustainable business models.

Building a Career In Sustainability

How do we kickstart our careers in sustainability, regardless of education or experience? This panel session will give an overview of key industries that spotlight sustainability—energy, agriculture, waste, finance—and discuss sector-specific trends that will empower those looking to forge a sustainable path for their careers, keeping in mind the present state of the job market and the growing impact of climate change.

Investing for a Sustainable Future

How do we invest for good—to uplift the marginalised, support sustainable initiatives, and take charge in building a more equitable future for all? This session will shed light on best practices, opportunities, and trends for investing in sustainability-related ventures, as well as break down the relationship between corporate profits and community health.

Event Agenda

09:00 – 09:10 Welcome Address
09:10 - 09:25 Keynote Speech 1
09:25 - 10:00 Keynote Speech 2
10:00 – 10:20 Country Finals – Winners’ Presentations
(Brunei, Cambodia)
10:20 – 10:35 Tea Break
10:35 – 11:35 Session 1:
Crafting Liveable, Sustainable Cities [Panel]
11:35 – 11:55 Country Finals – Winners’ Presentations
(China, India)
11:55 – 12:25 Session 2:
CSR – More Than Just a Name
12:25 – 13:50 Lunch Break
13:50 – 14:50 Session 3:
Starting a Business on Sustainability [Panel]
14:50 – 15:10 Country Finals – Winners’ Presentations
(Indonesia, Laos)
15:10 – 16:10 Session 4:
Building a Career Around Sustainability [Panel]
16:10 – 16:30 Country Finals – Winners’ Presentations
(Malaysia, Myanmar)
16:30 – 16:45 Tea Break
16:45 – 17:15 Session 5:
Investing for a Sustainable Future
17:15 – 17:45 Country Finals – Winners’ Presentations
(Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
17:45 – 18:00 Closing Remarks